what is covered:
Loss or damage to your contents during the period of insurance caused by the following insured events:
Aircraft and other flying devices or items dropped from them
Storm,flood or weight of snow
Escape of water from and frost damage to fixed water tanks, heating installation
Theft or attempted theft
Collision or impact by any vehicle or animal
Riot ,violent disorder, strike, labor disturbance, civil commotion or malicious acts.
Subsidence or heave of the site upon which the buildings stand or landslip
Falling trees, branches, telegraph poles or lamp-posts
Option extra – Accidental damage cover to contents
Many policies will also extend to cover accidental damage to Television sets (including digital and satellite receivers), Audio, video ,games ,consoles ,DVD players/recorders, Radios, Home computers and associated equipment, receiving aerials, dishes and closed circuit television cameras, situated within the home.
Loss or damage to contents belonging to visitors or domestic employees.
Costs you have to pay for replacing locks to safes, alarms and outside doors in the home following theft or loss of your keys anywhere in the world.
Increased metered water charges you have to pay following an escape of water which gives rise to an admitted claim under your policy.
The cost of replacing your food in your refrigerator or freezer if it is spoiled due to a change in temperature or contaminated by refrigeration fumes
Alternative Accommodation
If you have to move out of your home because of any loss of damage covered under the contents section, insurers will pay you for one of the following expenses or losses we have agreed to:
• The cost of alternative accommodation for the time you cannot live in your home
• An amount equal to the rent which you pay while you are not living in your home.
They will only pay under this section for the period your home is unfit to live in.
As occupier for any amounts you become legally liable for as damages for:
Bodily injury
Damage to property
caused by an accident happening anywhere in the world during the period of insurance.
This includes cover for domestic pets including cats, horses and dogs, which are not designated as dangerous under the dangerous dogs act 1991, the dangerous dogs (Northern Ireland) Order 1991 or dangerous dogs amendment 1997 or any amending legislation.
Please note not all policies are the same and you should check your individual policy to see whether the benefits are included or contact an insurance broker for advice.