Reasons for Cover
Who needs short term vehicle insurance
There are a whole host of reasons you may need to
take out a short term insurance policy, including:​
​Moving to a new house or office
Borrowing a car or van
Using your car for a business- related journey
For an occasional driver
Young drivers back from University of college
To cover an employee on a work van
Sharing the driving on a long trip
Moving a bulky or oversized item
Collecting or delivering a vehicle
Driving a courtesy car
Test driving a new car
Emergency use- a family member is taken ill ad you or someone else needs to drive the car
Leaning to drive for young drivers
To bridge a break in your annual policy before a new one starts
What's not covered?
What's not covered?
Here is a list of some things that our insurers do not cover. Please get in touch if you have any enquires on anything you might think be outside of our criteria - www.goshorty.co.uk
Impound release
courier Vehicle insurance
Taxi insurance
Hire & Reward
Use in connection with the Motor trade
Use to carry hazardous or dangerous goods
Imported vehicles
Modified Vehicles
Non UK/NI & EU/EAA Licenses
Non UK resident
Please see the insurers policy working for a full list of exclusions

GoShorty, London House, London Road South, Poynton, Stockport, SK12 1YP
E-Mail: info@goshorty.co.uk
Tel: 0333 433 0001